Monday, October 10, 2011

October Updates

Hello everyone. I know I've probably lost the few readers I had since I haven't posted anything in such a long time. As you have already probably assumed, I have not been playing much competitive golf at all lately. And trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my life as pretty much taken up all my time over the last couple of months.

I still manage to practice from time to time, but not nearly as much as I used to. I've started to turn my attention to working on the projects that seem to be the most likely going forward. A few ideas that came up never panned out, others have been put on the side for the time being, and a couple more have seemed to separate themselves from the pack. In particular, working with my dad and uncle in the trucking business seems like a very realistic option in the near future. My uncle has started to expand his business into Louisiana so there's a chance that I could play a part in helping grow the business in this area.

The other idea that is starting to get some steam is still in the dark for right now. It's a project that I got involved in with my friend Adam, and I can tell you that it involves "golf event management technology." So far, all our early meetings have been going extremely well. As things keep moving, I will disclose more information. Our projections as of right now are to have the software available by the end of the month, at which time, I will release all the latest information on this blog. However, this new product will also include a blog which will most likely replace this one.

But for now, I will try to keep posting shorter updates as to not make everyone read a novel once a month. Hope everyone is well. I'm happy to say that Erika is doing great so far with the baby and it looks like he/she might be arriving a little earlier than expected. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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