Well, it's been a while since my last post mostly because of everything that's gone on. These last 5 days have been pretty busy, so let me catch everyone up to speed. On Thursday and Friday of last week, my cousin Austin flew into Orlando on business so we got to spend time with him. There wasn't much down time while he was here to do any site seeing so we just hung out at the house and went out to eat. From what he told me, everything went well so I'm glad it was a successful trip. On Saturday, he flew back to Houston....Erika flew back to New Orleans.....and my dad and I flew to Chicago.
Back in August, I bought 2 tickets to see the Chicago Bears play the Green Bay Packers as a Christmas gift to my dad. So, we flew up Saturday and just walked around the city like tourists do. We had both been there before so this time we spent our afternoon wandering around really. It was fun to get out amongst the locals. On Sunday, we started our day with the breakfast of champions.......Dunkin' Donuts. For some reason, donuts and hot chocolate taste better when its 35* degree's outside. Afterwards, we walked over to the stadium which was about a half a mile from our hotel and checked out all the memorabilia in and around the stadium. My dad's dad played for the Bears from 1947-49 (which should help explain to anyone wondering why we were even there in the first place) and inside the stadium they had his name engraved in the wall in a section dedicated to all the draft choices year by year. It was really neat to see. The whole trip was a lot of fun and the only thing missing was a victory. Even still, it was an experience I'll never forget and I'm very blessed to have had an opportunity to do this with my dad.
We landed back in Orlando late last night, and today I was back out on the course playing my practice round. This week's tournament is at Souther Dunes Golf Club which is about 30 minutes down the round from my parent's house. It's a course I've played many times growing up so I should be able to draw from some good memories here. If I'm able to keep the ball in play off the tee, the rest will take care of itself. There is out-of-bounds on every hole, so fairways will be crucial to shooting a good score. I left the course today feeling good about my game. I hit a lot of good shots so I'm hoping for good things this week. My tee time tomorrow is 8:51 off #10.
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