Monday, February 28, 2011

Bobby Grace

Now that I've got some time, I wanted to update everyone on what's been going on during this break between tournaments. My main goal was to work on my putting and do anything necessary to make improvements. As it turns out, not only have I come across some new techniques but a brand new putter to go with it.

Last Monday, I flew to Orlando and drove over to St. Petersburg, Florida with my dad. He had arranged a meeting with Bobby Grace, a well known putter manufacturer from the early 90's and one of the more successful men in the industry today. Bobby said he was willing to have me in for a personal fitting in hopes of finding me something that would help get me back on track. After about two hours of going through all sorts of putter combination's, I left with two putters to take home and work with. One was very similar to what I had been using, but had his new technology added to it. The other was a little different, but had more things added to it that were custom fit for my stroke.

It's been a week now that I've had to try out my new toys, and I'm happy to report that things seem to be getting better. I've decided to go with the putter that was fit more for my stroke as it appears to be working the best. This past Friday, I had my first round of less than 30 putts and consequently shot 67 because of it. Before, I had struggled with speed control on the greens which lead to a lot of the poor putting rounds and now that part of my game is improving. There's still a lot of work to be done, but just changing up the look of my putter has helped me find some much needed confidence going forward.

I've still got just over two weeks before my next event, so there will be plenty of time between now and then to really work with the new putter. As of now, my only plans are to stay around New Orleans and play as much golf as possible. I'm really confident with my swing, so getting my putter up to speed will continue to be my main focus. I'll have another update in about a week with hopefully nothing but good news. Hope all is well!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Adam's Tour - Winter Series (Kingwood - Lakes) - Second Round

Score: 74

Yesterday was a long day. Our tee times were pushed back another 1 hr with an ice delay so we didn't get started until 11:50. After finishing up around 4:15, Erika and I grabbed a bite to eat and drove straight back to New Orleans. We got in about 10:30 last night which is why I wasn't able to put anything up about the round. So here it is:

Overall, this was probably the best round of the week. Not just score wise, but just in terms of executing shots from tee to green the whole day. Putting, on the other hand, was still terrible. I made 4 bogey's and 2 birdies during the round with 3 of those 4 bogey's coming from 3-putts. One of them came on the last hole like I did in the first round, and man I can't tell you how furious it made me. You'd think I would of learned after doing it the first day, but noooooooooo.

This last tournament would of been a really good opportunity for me to have a nice finish. I played really well both days, but just wasn't able to capitalize on the greens. I threw away 4 strokes in 3-putts over two days, and then didn't convert another handful of birdie attempts within 10ft. This is like a broken record, huh?

So, now that we're back home, I've got to do some serious thinking about how I'm going to become a better putter. Otherwise, all this progress I'm making with my swing isn't going to do me any good. I've got a couple ideas in my head so I'll keep yall updated on what I decide. I've got some time now before the regular season starts up March 16th in Alexandria, LA. Until then, I've got some much needed improvement to make on the greens. Hope everyone is doing well.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Adam's Tour - Winter Series (Kingwood - Lakes) - First Round

Score: 75

Even though the tour had pushed back tee times in anticipation of an ice delay this morning, it wasn't long enough. At 11:00 is was still below freezing, so there was an extra two hour delay added to our original tee time. It was quite a morning.

I have to admit that it certainly would of helped to have played a practice round yesterday even though I didn't play all that bad. I was thinking this course was going to be like all the others we've played since they've all been pretty similar so far. However, this was by far the tightest golf course we've seen yet and for that reason, it was a little difficult figuring out where to hit it off the tee. Consequently, I only hit like 6 out of 13 fairways. I struggled with the driver early missing shots to the left and it cost me two early bogey's. After about #7, I was able to straighten it out and then hit some good tee shots coming in.

The round was really quite boring now that I think about it. I made 3 bogey's and 15 pars. No birdies. There were a couple good chances in there somewhere, but I wasn't able to convert any birdie putts today. I did make a couple good ones to save par, which was definitely a positive, but the birdie putts just didn't fall.

Easily the most disappointing part of the day was the 18th hole. It's a short par-5, but it's shaped hard right to left with water and trees all down the left and more tree's lining the right side. You have to hit a hard draw off the tee to set up a shot into the green and then the second shot is still over trees from about 250. Anyways, I hit a 3-wood to about 18ft for eagle and 3-putted. I was so mad when I walked off that green, it took a while to calm down.

The 75 today isn't all that bad considering I hadn't played the course before and it was absolutely freezing today. I'm hoping now that I've seen the course I'll have a little more confidence in what I'm doing. Then again, it's the same old story. If I can get the putts to fall, anything can happen. My tee time tomorrow is 10:50 off #1.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So no golf today. I woke up to a rainy 44 degree's that lasted all the way until about 3 this afternoon. The temperature quickly dropped into the 30's and we're currently sitting at about 28 degree's right now and it's not quite dark yet. According to the local news, the wind chill is in the teens. I wanted to get some practice in today, but I figured I was better off working out of my hotel room.

I talked to some guys this past week about the course we're playing tomorrow and they all said it was pretty straight forward. Hopefully, that means I'll be able to show up tomorrow and feel my way around the course without ever seeing it before. Hey, the last time I didn't play a practice round it worked out pretty well so at least I've got that going for me.....which is nice.

I went out and bought me a couple more propane fillers for my heater that I picked up before leaving home last week. Thanks to my father in law, this baby's going to come in handy tomorrow.

They've pushed back the tee times tomorrow morning because we're expecting a hard freeze tonight. It should be above freezing come 10:00...we'll see. My tee time is 11:10 off #1.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Adam's Tour - Winter Series (Cypresswood Open) - Second Round

Score: 80

Different day....same result. The only difference is this time I had 38 putts which was even worse than yesterday. Most of my stats from tee to green, however, were pretty similar. I hit 9/14 fairways and 12/18 greens. I don't think I was more than few yards off the fairway when I did miss so that's a good feeling going forward. I'm very happy with how I'm driving the ball since that has plagued me under pressure in the past. I'd say I probably hit about 3 poor shots in all today which is still not too bad. After missing so many putts, I'd say the lack of momentum for two straight days played a part in a couple of those loose swings.

I only made one poor decision today and it came on the 2nd hole where I tried to hit a hard wedge into the green and ended up spinning it off the front. Luckily, it didn't cost me a stroke as I found my one up-and-down of the day. One wouldn't be bad if that was the only opportunity I had, except today I had 9 chances and so 1 for 9 is quite pathetic. This was mostly due to the poor putting because I hit a lot of good chip shots.

Overall, I'm very pleased with how my swing held up in this event. I'm incredibly disappointed in how my putting did not hold up in this event. I could sit here and speculate on a whole bunch of different reasons why that was the case, but the bottom line is it was just terrible....plain and simple. I'm going to do everything I can to forget about it and move on because the next tournament starts in two days and there's just no time to dwell on it. I've got my putter here next to me in the hotel room and I'll try and do what I can to get the feel back.

I'm supposed to be playing a practice round tomorrow for the next event, but the forecast is for rain all morning with plummeting temperatures to follow and a chance of sleet. Sounds like perfect golf weather to me. I'll have a post up tomorrow about what (if anything) I am able to accomplish.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Adam's Tour - Winter Series (Cypresswood Open) - First Round

Score: 80

Where to begin. Right away you're probably thinking this was a bad day and rightfully so. I shot 80. But, this was by far the worst 80 I've ever shot in my entire life. I literally hit 1 bad shot the whole day. So, how did I shoot such a bad score? Well, my first answer is I had 37 putts. This was easily the worst putting performance I've had since I've been playing. And yall know by now how bad my putting has been. There was a total of 4 3-putts throughout the round. Here's a breakdown of the day.

I started out with a 3-putt on the very first hole. It was kind of a long putt, but it was dead straight and little downhill. +1 over thru 1. I then followed that up with a 3-putt on #2. This one was about 15ft uphill, left-to-right. Two 3-putts on the first two holes and I'm +2 over thru 2. Not the start I was looking for. The third hole is where I hit my one bad shot of the day. I blocked a 4-iron off the tee on the par-3 3rd and was left with an impossible up-and-down. A flop shot, bunker shot and missed 6 footer lead to a double-bogey (5). I was going the wrong way in a hurry and the round really felt like it was getting away from me. What's funny is, from that point on, I played great and never really missed a shot.

I pared #4 and hit a nice wedge shot into the par-5 5th to about 10ft. However, another 3-putt and instead of making birdie, I make bogey. +5 over thru 5. I lipped out from about 12ft on #6 for birdie, and then somehow got about a 25 footer to fall on the par-3 8th for birdie. To be honest, if it hadn't of gone in, who knows how far by it would of ran. Back to +4 over. The 9th hole is a long par-4 dogleg left. There's a bunker positioned perfectly on the right side of the fairway, and the left side is blocked out by trees. I teed it up, aimed right at the bunker trying to draw it off just a little bit and smoked it right at it. My ball came to rest on the right edge lip of the bunker and I was left with a shot from 195 yards to the pin.....into the wind over water. I got one foot in the bunker and one foot out, and here I am trying to hit a semi high cutting 3-iron because there's a branch about 60 yards in front of me that I've got to maneuver around as well. I made double. So, I hit a solid drive and should of just taken my medicine with the lie I got, but I decided to gamble and I lost. I turned at +6 over (42).

On #10, I hit two great shots and had about 15ft up the hill for birdie. The next hole is a 215yard par-3 to a tucked back right pin location. Winds blowing hard left to right and I just striped a 4-iron that never left the flag. It wound up about 20ft past the pin and I 2-putted for par. The 12th hole is a tricky dogleg right par-5. I hit a great drive down the left side to set myself up for a shot to the green. There's a hazard all up along the right side that continues up past the green. So, with the ball just below my feet, I start this 2-iron about 20yards left of the green expecting it to slide to the right. It was more than I needed, but I knew that I couldn't let the ball get right of the flag. My shot ends up going dead straight and now I'm left with another impossible up-and-down. I went for the money maker and lost again. Another bogey and I'm +7 over thru 12. I played the 13th well and missed about another 15footer for birdie. On 14, I hit a 6-iron from 195 that never left the flag, but somehow it hit on the green and ran all the way over the back. I missed about a 5 footer coming back for par so that's another bogey. Another 3-putt on #15 from 20ft and I'm +9 over. Great drive on #16 that lead to a par and the best drive of the day on #17. #17 is 319yard par-4 with water all along the right and bunkers all along the left. It's usually drivable, but today it was into the wind. I hit driver anyway and came up a 3 yards short of the green. From there, I chipped it up to about 2 1/2 feet and missed it. I can't begin to tell you what was going through my mind by this point. I probably hit the two quickest shots of my life in the drive on the par-5 18th and 3-wood into the green. Both were perfect. It was playing 560yards into the wind and I was about 10yards short for my third shot. This time I pitched to about a foot and did manage to get that one in for birdie.

So, there's my novel.....I mean recap.....of today's round. I'm so frustrated that I let this round get away from me after hitting the ball so well the whole day. It would of been a great round to keep it around par under today's cold/windy conditions. I think only 2 people shot under par. If somehow, my putting does a 180 tomorrow and I start making putts, who knows what could happen. I need a low one....that's for sure. I can say this though...this is the first time I've had so much confidence after shooting 80. I know it should of and could of been so much better that I'm not going to let this get me down. I'll tee it up again tomorrow and keep doing what I've been doing. Let's hope the putts fall. My tee time tomorrow is 8:40 off #1.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Adam's Tour - Winter Series (Cypresswood Open) - Preview

This next event is being played at Cypresswood Golf Course (Tradition), in Humble, TX just outside of Houston. This is the same course I played last year for the PGA Tour Shell Houston Open qualifier so I've probably played about a handful of rounds out here before this tournament. I went out there today to play a practice round, but only ended up getting in 9 holes. We weren't allowed to play until the afternoon, and I think the entire city of Houston was out there playing as well. At one point, we were on the 3rd hole which is a par-3 and there were 4 groups on that one hole.....all foursomes. It took 3 hours to play the front so I called it quits after that. Plus, I was -3 under and wanted to keep that feel going into tomorrow. I don't think my confidence has ever been higher. Now it's just a matter of teeing it up tomorrow and letting it happen.

I'm pretty sure that the 70 degree weather had a lot to do with the amount of people playing today after the bitter cold week this city just went through. But, since tomorrow is the tournament, you know the cold weather has to come back. The forecast is for a high of 54 with the caption "WINDY!" We're expecting winds of 22mph gusting in the 30's so the temperature will probably feel a lot colder than that. But hey, it's nothing new....just another day on the Adam's Tour. My tee time tomorrow is 10:00 off #1.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

So much for warmer weather......

So, we drove up to Baton Rouge Monday afternoon to get a head start on our trip to Houston. We woke up Tuesday morning and were getting ready to leave when I received an email from the Adam's Tour that the first event of the series had been canceled. The headquarters for the Adam's Tour is in Dallas, TX and this crazy front went through the area earlier this week and ended up snowing/icing the tournament officials in the city. Therefore, they were unable to make it to Houston to set up the event and consequently it was canceled.

After seeing how the weather has been these last couple of days and the forecast going forward, I can't say that I'm all that upset not to be playing right now. Even though I feel good about my game and I'm more than ready to play, the sub-freezing temperatures surrounding Houston and all the way here in Baton Rouge make it nice to be inside. In fact, my sister tells me it's supposed to snow any minute now in Houston which would of been a first for me since today was supposed to be the first round of the tournament. The weather channel here says to expect a Wintry Mix over the next 24hrs. Not exactly good golfing conditions. Oh, and to make things worse, my parents tell me it's 80 degree's in Florida. Why is it where ever I'm playing it's freezing cold?

So, since Erika and I decided to stay in Baton Rouge we're really just waiting this whole thing out. There's just not a whole lot I can do at times like this. I've got a club here next to me that I've been swinging inside non-stop cause I don't want to lose the feel I've got going.

Our plan now is to head to Houston Saturday, and weather permitting, maybe play an early practice round that afternoon and again on Sunday. As of right now, the second event is still expected to be played so we're going to continue forward as if those are the plans. Warm weather.....come on down!